This site is a landing page for many of the apps and tools I created and published online (on Netlify; I'm a huge fan of Netlify).

JSON Body Cloud Function

This a simple cloud function I created for my ESP32 HTTPS Client Request with JSON Body project. The project shows how to write an Arduino sketch for ESP32 that connects to a remote host and passes request parameters in the request body in JSON format. This project is the target host for that sketch.

Blog reference | Source Code

Calling the Cloud Function

The function requires that the param1 and param2 properties contain string values (strings with length greater than zero). When you populate values for both fields, the function call succeeds. If one or both fields are blank (empty), the function call fails.


This is a simple web application that allows visitors to convert a downloaded certificate file (a .pem or .crt file) into a header file you can use with an Espressif device (ESP-32, for example) in the Arduino IDE to make secure connections (HTTPS) to remote servers. Without access to the certificate, an Arduino sketch cannot connect to the remote server over a secure connection.

My ESP32 HTTPS Client Request and ESP32 HTTPS Client Request with JSON Body projects use this app to generate the certificate used to connect to a remote server using TLS from an Arduino sketch.

Blog reference | Source Code

Goodreads Page Adjuster

This is a simple app that allows users to easily calculate an adjusted page number based on the actual length of the book's readable content. You enter the current page you're on plus the actual total page count (subtracting the stuff at the end you'll never read) and the Goodreads page count. The app then calculates an adjusted page count that scales your current page based on the total (goodreads) page count so the percentage progress calculation Goodreads does will be correct.

Blog reference | Source Code